Monday, June 27, 2011


Ok so I have had this love/hate relationship with the color aqua for home decor and painted furniture. Absolutely love it, I am drawn to almost any piece I see in magazines, in shops and shows. Be it beachy or country, more on the blue hue or closer to a shade of green, I gravitate towards it. New fresh paint or old and chippy, the color catches my eye.

BUT!! That said...for some reason I have never really had that color in my home decor.
Oh yes I did the 80s country blue, and the 90s South West contemporary pastel blue. (and I wear lots of aqua clothing and turqouise jewelry and have those colors in my tattoos).
But since I have been buying/selling and decorating with antiques and old pieces, vintage and painted furniture I just haven't been able to get those aquas to work in my home. (sage was the preferred basic for many years)
Anyway, I finally gave in to it.
I have lots of tweaking to do, still need to get another color, like seafoam, to do some pieces. Try to get a few hues going.

And of course now I will have a mission to search out anything aqua when I go treasure hunting!

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